Department Visitor Parking

Department Visitor Parking

The following options are available for your campus visitors.

Permit Machine / Pay-By-Phone

Provide the following information to your visitor to help navigate and park on campus.

A Sac State parking permit is required to park on campus. To purchase a daily or two-hour parking permit:

  • Sign up for a PayByPhone account and download the app. When you arrive on campus, enter location number "5115" into the app to pay your parking fee.
  • When you arrive on campus, pay with cash or credit at any permit machine located in all student parking lots/structures; view the campus map for locations.

Your parking permit is valid in student parking spaces. The closest parking to the (event location) is (nearest student parking lot/structure). Please view the campus map for directions. A printable campus map is also available. View the Visitor Information page for more parking information.

Visitor Coupon Code

Coupon codes one-time use codes redeemable at any parking permit machine for a single parking permit. You can text or email coupon codes to your visitors.


  1. Order coupon codes anytime by emailing eventparking@csus.edu the following information: 
    1. Daily ($8) or 2-Hour ($4):
    2. Quantity: 
    3. Department: 
    4. Speedchart
  2. UTAPS will process your request and reply back with a log file containing your coupon codes.
  3. Email an unused coupon code to your visitor and log the coupon code as used.
  4. The visitor will use the coupon code at any permit machine on campus to receive a parking permit and park. 

Coupon codes do not expire. There are no refunds for used coupon codes. Please email eventparking@csus.edu any questions about the coupon code process. 

Visitor Parking Link

Submit a visitor parking request in our Parking Portal (you must be approved for access). After your request is approved, you will receive a unique web link and instructions to forward to your visitors. Visitors will use this link to register their vehicle and activate their virtual permit. Read the Visitor Parking Request User Guide for more information on this process. 

Virtual Permits

  • $8 1 Day Employee parking
  • $16 1 Week Employee parking
  • $32 2 Week Employee parking
  • $48 3 Week Employee parking
  • $64 4 Week Employee parking